How Village CAN Works
- For every cluster of 12villages, establish climate actors network leadership of apprentice-mentor+3student-apprentices
- Build market of 12 village climate actor network committees, 1200 households, 1200 food-foresters around leadership.
- Empower 12 village climate actor network committees, 1200 households, 1200 food-foresters from own loyalty-savings
- Establish climate-financing vehicles and smart-enterprise structures to inform time, space and partnership utilities
- Capacitate actors on activation processes: build-relationships, strategize-pathways, motivate-participation, take-action
The Structure.
Village CAN operates under village market-partnerships of duly established climate-actors network formations, registered as Village Climate Academy Self-Help Groups complete with Village CAN committee of (young climate mentors, seedling producers, kiosk operators), pupil food-foresters and households smart-entrepreneurs; ownership of duly recruited village climate actors network composed of market-activators, apprentice-mentors, student-apprentices, climate-investors, smart-industry, college smart meals, village smart kiosks, seedling-producers, smart-students, smart-households, young climate-mentors, pupil food-foresters; public-private partnerships of governments/their ministries, departments & agencies, and development partners; joint-ventures of minimum viable product (MVP) investors, smart-stock investors, venture-capital, businesses; entrepreneurship of student apprentice-hubs (SAH); mentorship of apprentice mentor volunteers by professionals in gainful employment, self-employment, business, and consultancy; leadership of founder climate-smart enterprise executive developer (the climate–seed); oversight of village CAN Technical Working Group (VCAN TWG) composed of Devolved Government, National Government, Civil Society Organizations, Knowledge-Partner (public-universities), market community climate actors network, Chamber of Commerce, Professional Associations (Manufacturers, Teachers, Health, Media, Accountancy, Law, Hospitality, etc.), Religious Affiliations, People With Disabilities (PWDs), Diaspora; Management of human, operation, finance, IT, technology, communication, statistic, legal, and enterprise resource professional-managers; activation of market-activators by successful community organizers and/or market activators with either/or demonstrable community-service/table-banking/self-help group formations backgrounds; coordination of young climate mentors; convention of conveners-committee; advisory of village CAN Initiatives Consortia by experienced/accomplished practitioners on market-activations, finance-innovations, smart-enterprises, data-automations, youth-apprenticeship, BPOs, extension-services, skills-curricula, market-philanthropy, infrastructure-connectivity, water/ waste solution, acceleration and innovation. All Village CAN market-partners & formations have a high level of organizational autonomy, but major initiatives are delegated by village CAN. Major decisions are taken during duly convened Village CAN Conventions. The oversight Village CAN Technical Working Group (VCAN TWG) shall set policies related to programming areas, geographic & partnership focus, revenue, spending, investment, grant-making, management, operational, governance and professional standards, internal & independent audits, compensation & performance reviews.
FOUNDING: Tembea Youth Centre for Sustainable Development founded in 2003, registered in 2006 is boldly transitioning from a traditional community based non profit organization model to a dynamic social enterprise Tembea Futures Institute (TeFI). Tembea Futures Institute is incorporated as a company limited by guarantee under the laws of Kenya and champions climate smart interventions and sustainable land use practices through technological innovations, data driven insights, skills transfers, and strategic partnerships
KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS: (I). Under UK AID grant’s Deepening Democracy Program (DDP) funded Youth Empowerment Project worth $148,000 in partnership with County Government of Siaya through Technical Working Group (TWG) mechanism, developed 1st ever Siaya County Integrated Youth Action Plan (CIYAP)
(II). Under MyClimate Foundation (a Swiss non profit that supports and develops carbon credit projects) grant funded carbon off set energy efficient cook stoves project and now on its 14th year of implementation having done over 120,000 stoves, annually earning and using carbon credits worth over $310,000 for grassroots climate action projects. (III). Operates Community Sacco (Tembea Sacco) increasing access to affordable credit & community radio (Tembea radio) with coverage of over 200,000 residents in Siaya County.
TECHNICAL CAPACITIES: (I) A growing climate actors network: market-activators, apprentice-mentors, climate-investor, industries, student-apprentices, seedling-producers, eateries, kiosks, smart-entrepreneurs, students, households, climate-mentors, food-foresters (II) Established Key partnerships: banks, fintech, Telcos, philanthropies, educational-institutions, media-houses, governments, corporates, and consultancies
(III) Innovation/accelerator hub: To hasten start-ups growth, network, secure-funding & potential customers
Market-Activators identify, recruit, and develop leadership; build markets around leadership; build power out of markets. Activators bring people together, challenging them to act on behalf of their shared values and interests. They develop-relationships, motivate-participation, strategize-pathways, and take-actions that enable people to gain new appreciation of their values, resources to which they have access, their interests, and a new capacity to use their resources on behalf of their interests. Activators work through ‘’dialogues’’ in relationships, motivation, strategy, action carried out as campaigns. Activators interweave relationships, motivation, strategy, actions so that each contributes to the other. One result is new networks of relationship wide and deep enough to provide a foundation for a new market in action. Another is a new story about who this market is, where it has been, where it is going, and how it will get there. A third result is a strategy envisioning how a market can turn the resources it has into the power it needs to get what it wants. And a final result is action as market mobilizes and deploys its resources on behalf of its interests – as collaboration, claims making, or both.
Market-Activators develop new relationships out of old ones- sometimes by linking one person to another and sometimes by linking whole networks of people together. Relationships grow out of exchanges of interests and resources, the commitment to sustain them, and the creation of a shared story. Market-Activators engage people in discerning why they should act to change their world- the values and how they can act to change it- their strategy. Market-Activators motivate-action by deepening people’s understanding of who they are, what they want, and why they want it, their values. Mobilizing feelings of urgency, hope, anger, self-worth and solidarity that facilitate action, they challenge feelings of inertia, fear, apathy, self-doubt, and isolation that inhibit action. Activators engage people in articulating this call to action as a shared story of the challenges they must face, the choices they must make, and the hope that can inspire to courage that make these choices now- a story of self, a story of us, and a story of now. Market-Activators engage people in deliberating about how they can turn what they have (resources), into what they need (power) to get what they want (interests): strategy. Power is that influence our resources can have on interests of others who hold resources that can influence our interests. Market-Activating often requires using our resources to mobilize power interdependently with others whose interests we share to challenge the power exercised over us by others whose interest conflict with our own.
Market-Activators challenge people to take the responsibility to act. For an individual, empowerment begins with accepting responsibility. For an organization, empowerment begins with commitment, the responsibility its members take for it. Responsibility begins with choosing to act. Market-Activators challenge people to commit, to act, and to act effectively.
Market Activators work through campaigns-highly energized, intensely focused, concentrated streams of activity with specific goals and deadlines. People are recruited, programs launched, battles fought and organizations built through campaigns. Market Activators build market by developing leadership. They develop leaders by enhancing their skills, values and commitments. They build strong markets through which people gain new understanding of their interests as well as the power to act on them- markets which are bounded yet inclusive, communal yet diverse, solidaristic yet tolerant. They develop a relationship between a constituency and its leaders based on mutual responsibility and accountability.
@Maurice Olunga, The Climate-Smart Enterprise Executive Developer (THE CLIMATE-SEED), VillageCAN PROJECT
Establish Climate